Wikileaks - The Spy Files

Wikileaks - The Spy Files

Sunday 17 June 2012

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The war of the future will not be played on the field.

Terrorists organize themselves through the cyberspace.

Entire states can fall if their communication system are violated. In such scenario the principal weapon is intelligence defense against such attack is crucial. But offensive capabilities are required too. The winner will be who knows the antagonist’s move a second ahead. Information gathering is the key to succeed.

Enter remote control system. A stealth for attacking, infecting and monitoring computers and smartphones. Full intelligence on target users even for encrypted communications (Skype, PGP, Secure Web Mail, etc,...)

How does it work.

1 - Step : infection of the system. Can be installed remotely. Computers can be infected through several vectors. Can be installed locally : Bootable CD-ROM, USB Pendrive, Direct HD infection tampering with computer case

2 - Step : invisibility of the system. Cannot be detected by any computer user. Existing files are not modified. No new files appear on the computer. No new processes are executed. No new network connections are established. Cannot be detected by Antivirus, Anti-malware, Anti-keyloggers.

3 - Step : Monitoring and logging. Connections to websites. Send and received e-mail messages. Written documents. Keystrokes, including passwords for accessing sensitive / classified information. Printed documents. Encrypted VOIP traffic, such as Skype conversation. Chat, instant messaging. Remote audio spy,...

You Can’t Arrest An Idea

Tutanota - Encrypted mailbox for free

Tutanota - Encrypted mailbox for free

Tutanota, Freedom Fighters: Tutanota is open source so security experts can verify the code that protects your emails. Our Android app is Google-free (…)

17 November 2022

What is /e/OS?

What is /e/OS?

/e/OS is a complete, fully “deGoogled”, mobile ecosystem. Over the last ten years, mobile phone evolution has made them our daily companions, within reach (…)

1 November 2022

Riseup : Backup Backup Backup!

Riseup : Backup Backup Backup!

Please always make sure to back up your data! We sometimes get requests from people whose pad document got deleted because it expired. Other times folks (…)

28 September 2022

“Enemies of the State” documentary on Matt DeHart

“Enemies of the State” documentary on Matt DeHart

“Enemies of the State”: New film on Matt DeHart. An average American family becomes entangled in a bizarre web of espionage and corporate secrets when (…)

24 August 2021

Red Cross

We stand with Ukraine

The Russian government’s attack on Ukraine has put millions of innocent lives in danger. We stand with Ukraine to support their freedom and to defend democracy. If you wish to support Ukraine and its people in their time of need, please consider donating to the Red Cross.

Your data is YOUR data

eFoundation is a non-profit organization leading the development of Open Source mobile operating systems that respect users’ data privacy.



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