Saturday 31 March 2018
For those who do not step back and watch the world burn. For those who see the bigger picture. For those who keep an ear close to the ground, heart open and leave ego at the door.
It is time to get angry about what is happening all around us, to see that it is us against them. They = all governments and corporations, are not interested in your well-being, or the flag or the country. All they care about is profit margin, export and import. While we live in a society that is being tracked, prodded and sold in data ports.
It is used against us, so we turn on each-other instead of identifying who is the actual problem. Why kids are being bombed in countries no one wants to hear about and the elderly do not have the care they need. Why do people freeze to death on the streets and why is the medical system being cut and grasping at its last breath. Why is everything that is possible to privatize being privatised - including YOU! You as a data source/profit margin.
You are sold lie after lie, so you will watch more shitty news and buy more crap based on advertisement between “breaking news” this and “breaking news” that. You are being forced into “like this” and “click” that. We think the time has come to S T O P! We think it is time to organise, support independent media, reach out to one another and be strong together.
We as a community owe it to the past and to the future generations to keep working, to keep fighting, to keep our lungs filled with air and eyes above the water. We sacrificed partnerships, friendships, some of us ended up in prisons and some sadly sacrificed not only physical freedom but their lives, for the cause.
To Honour the Memory of those we lost and praise, those who keep up the fight, we must be vigilant. When they ask us who we are, we say we are no one. Nothing. A pebble. A stone. A drop of rain water. An exclamation mark at end of the sentence. A binary footprint and boots on the ground. We are an idea, ethics, determination, commitment and passion.
We do not give up, as it is our duty as Human Animals of this planet to fight for what is right. Fuck the traitors and the snitches. Fuck those who have no backbone, who stand for nothing and believe in nothing as they themselves are nothing. They are the problem.
Together we are more powerful than ever, united we connect all the dots to make sure that the REVOLUTION is 0n! And so it is - 0N.
We are in support of direct action, woman rights, animal rights, OpSafeWinter, sustainable food, local farming, net neutrality, cyber security, anonymity, OpSec, equality for ALL, no matter what shade one’s skin is. We are always anti-fascism, we promote and support open software and platforms dedicated to it. We promote equality. Kindness, humbleness. But never should you take our humbleness for weakness – for we are many. We are in hearts and minds of countless heroes and warriors.
We are against fascism, sexism, racism, classism, ethnocentrism, xenophobia, transphobia, ableism, religious propaganda, cults and organisation that abuse people’s liberty and freedom of movement, speech and choice. We are against self-promotion.
Our station “Radio Vendetta” is orientated to bring you news, information and create a plausible work platform. We are here to share tools to help you stay Anonymous. To give information on how to protect self and others from data leaks and invasion of 3rd parties.
We wish to provide a networking place for activists across the globe to reach out and connect with like-minded individuals. To amplify their voice to get their work recognised and promoted. We wish to create a place where people can organise, share light on political injustice and bring communities together. To work together towards a universal goal.
We invite all activists who identify with our message across all countries, continents and galaxies to reach out and join us. We are looking forward to working with all of you on the radio and beyond. You do not have to be a native English speaker or even use English language during your podcast. We want people to be able to talk to their communities in any language or dialect you see best.
We do not discriminate, we do not support division. It is time to leave our small political differences behind and unite towards a universal goal of peace, unity and equality for all.