Monday 25 April 2016
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On this date, 24/04/2016, approximately 250 users came together to learn to better protect their privacy online... in an IRC. Welcome to the first of (hopefully) many lessons to come here on the OnionIRC, coming to you live from The Onion Routing network!
No admin here will ask you something that would compromise your identity nor ask you to do anything illegal. We may, however, give you the tools and knowledge necessary to commit what some would consider a crime. Shoutout to all the prisons out there that need a good burning! What you do with the knowledge you obtain here is entirely your business.
Over the last five years we have seen the numbers of those aligning with Anonymous soaring, while the average users’ technical-knowhow has been on the decline. The average Anonymous "member" believes that DDoS and Twitter spam equates to hacking & activism, respectively. While this course is not covering these specific topics, we think this is a beginning to a better understanding of what "hacktivism" is & how to protect yourself while subverting corrupt governments.