Sunday 5 September 2021
SB8 allows for any person other than the government to bring a private civil suit against anyone believed to have aided in the provision of abortion care beyond 6 weeks of pregnancy.
SB8 creates an army of private enforcers and offers up a bounty of at least 10,000 dollars per proven violation of the bill.
Through SB8, the federal constitutional rights of Texas citizens have been circumvented and scorched by the state. On Wednesday, September 1, 2021, the United States Supreme Court denied the request from abortion providers to freeze Texas SB8 from going into effect.
No matter your partisan politics on abortion rights, you should be alarmed by Texas Senate Bill 8. It provides the basic framework to target and dismantle any federal constitutional right without consequence or accountability.
Because of this extremely dangerous overreach of the Texas state government, and considering the fact other states are now following suit, we must act. Every strategic model employed to collect information for SB8 bounties will be compromised and rendered inoperable. Troves of data will be manipulated to result in an inherently spoiled cache of information. We will exhaust the investigational resources of bounty hunters, their snitch sites, and online gathering spaces, until no one is able to maintain data integrity.
There are innumerable theories about Anonymous. We are everything, anyone, nothing, and no one all at once. Join us.