18 April 2016 00:00
A federal judge sentenced journalist Matthew Keys to two years in prison after he was convicted last year of three counts of conspiracy and criminal hacking.
Jay Leiderman has dedicated his entire professional career to standing up as a staunch defender of our constitutional freedoms. He is a criminal law specialist and defense attorney who has represented members of Anonymous and Lulzsec. Jay, one of Keys’ attorneys said the legal team may even try to appeal up to the Supreme Court as a way to challenge the law Keys was charged under, the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, a notorious anti-hacking law that dates back to 1984.
"It is a horse and buggy law in a jet plane society," Jay Leiderman told the court. "It doesn’t account for the modern Internet, the punishments do not fit the crime."
Jay Leiderman, who did the bulk of the arguing on behalf of Keys, admitted that his client was "immature" at the time of the conduct for which he was convicted. He even noted that Keys had recently applied for a job as a records clerk at the Vacaville Police Department, and that they were apprised of his legal situation. After the conclusion of the hearing, Jay Leiderman expanded on that point, indicating that the defense was hoping for a retrial...