Jay LeidermanFree Speech

Jay Leiderman

Jay Leiderman is a criminal law specialist

and defense attorney who has represented members of Anonymous and Lulzsec. The Atlantic Magazine called Jay Leiderman the “Hacktivist’s Advocate” for his work defending hacker-activists accused of computer crimes, especially people associated with Anonymous...

AnonUK Radio - Barrett Brown & Jay Leiderman

AnonUK Radio - Barrett Brown & Jay Leiderman

Global internet activist conversation. Barrett Brown is an American activist, author, and freelance writer/journalist. He has been misrepresented in the (...)

8 May 2017

AnonUK Radio - Jay Leiderman

AnonUK Radio - Jay Leiderman

Journalist sentenced to 24 months in prison. A federal judge sentenced journalist Matthew Keys to two years in prison after he was convicted last year (...)

18 April 2016

Interview with filmmaker Vivien Lesnick Weisman

Interview with filmmaker Vivien Lesnick Weisman

Weisman’s new documentary, “The Hacker Wars,” is frightening and a must-see. Examiner Dorri Olds landed an exclusive interview with filmmaker Vivien (...)

22 October 2014

Jay Leiderman Defense Attorney

Jay Leiderman Defense Attorney

Jay Leiderman is an criminal defense lawyer. Jay Leiderman is a criminal law specialist and defense attorney who has represented members of Anonymous (...)

18 October 2013

Jay Leiderman - DoJ & Cybercrime Law - Hactivist Victims

Jay Leiderman - DoJ & Cybercrime Law - Hactivist Victims

Jay Leiderman has dedicated his entire professional career to standing up as a staunch defender of our constitutional freedoms. He details how the (...)

15 December 2012

Keyword Jay Leiderman

Articles = 5

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